2 Tips For Bringing Your New Puppy Home

Deciding that you want to buy a Havanese puppy can be the easy part, even if you have to spend some time debating all the different kinds of dogs and trying to find the one that works best for you. But the hard work is going to start when you actually bring them home and try to integrate your puppy into your life. Even if your puppy has been extensively socialized to get along with lots of people and other animals, it's still going to be a big shift to bring them to your house. [Read More]

4 Emergency Situations That Require A Trip To The Animal Care Hospital

As a pet owner, you do your best to keep your animal safe from harm. However, animals have minds of their own, and sometimes they can get themselves into dangerous situations. When your dog or cat is critically ill or injured, they need veterinary attention immediately. Animal care hospitals are available seven days a week to provide emergency care. Animal care hospital services can help you in these four emergency situations: [Read More]

Intrigued By Designer Dogs? 3 Reasons To Choose A Goldendoodle Puppy

Sharing a home with a canine is something that many Americans choose to do. For growing families, the family dog provides a sense of security and a playmate for children. For singles or couples, a beloved dog can provide motivation to exercise and a sense of warm companionship in a too-quiet home.  No matter the reason for sharing your life and home with a dog, you are sure to want the experience to be a good one. [Read More]

Getting A Bearded Dragon Soon? What You Should Know About Them

If you're thinking about getting a bearded dragon as a pet soon, you'll need to learn a few things first. Although bearded dragons make excellent pets, the reptiles require specific care, housing, and food to stay healthy. The facts below can help you prepare ahead of time for your new pet. What Types of Features Do Bearded Dragons Have? Bearded dragons are some of the most interesting and popular reptiles in the world. [Read More]